WKU nor Louisville played dirty. They played with emotion and passion


Louisville coming to Diddle Arena was awesome for the WKU program. It might not happen again for quite some time (which is a shame, and something we’ll talk about in the coming week or so on the site), but after what we saw Saturday, it might take some time for the memories to fade and the emotions to settle.

Emotions from the players, coaches and maybe even athletic departments as a whole, sure, but probably even more so from the fan bases. The fight involving Montrezl Harrell and Avery Patterson certainly didn’t help an already emotional state of Cards and Tops fans (and, in probably many cases, fans of both), but lets all take a step back and reevaluate things. No one played dirty. No one is a “thug.” It was just a poor decision by a handful of players in a moment, in the middle of a passionate moment. Now, before we continue, we aren’t entirely innocent of this…

Like I said. The middle of a passionate moment. However, what we said is somewhat mild compared to what other people were saying – on both sides of the game. WKU fans, of course, were giving Harrell (and a few other UofL guys) some flack, obviously, but on the other hand, Cardinals fans were doing the same thing about Hilltoppers. A simple twitter search will show you exactly what I mean. You may even have favorited, retweeted or just remembered what was said during the game. Some of that stuff hurt, and I’m not even a player. However, here we are, approaching 48 hours removed from the contest, and our pal Jordan Wells is still seeing some salty Cards fans.

Of course, all of this is helping further the Lousivlle-side of the argument that the Tops are “thugs,” and don’t know how to behave themselves. News flash – everyone on that court was between the ages of 17-22 years old. They were playing in a rivalry game – the #4 team in the nation not wanting to lose to little brother, and little brother wanting to make a huge in-state statement against big brother. These guys aren’t dirty players. They’re wanting to put it all on the line for their teammates and school, and emotions are going to run high. So please, lets be civil Harrell isn’t missing the UK game, so you Cards fans can relax, and Conference USA didn’t see anything worth suspension worthy, so it appears the Tops are not in the wrong.

Now, can’t we all just get along?

Next: Not Sure How You Could Have, But If You Missed The Incident In Question, Click Here