#WTRTwitterTuesday: WKU and student-athlete police run ins

This is something I’ve wanted to start for a while now, and after the responses I got yesterday, I feel like now is the perfect time to start. Unfortunately, we are starting this new segment on a bit of a serious not.
But first – welcome to the first ever #WTRTwitterTuesday! Each monday, I’ll post…something (beit a question or straight up opinion)…and will collect responses from you all. It’ll be quite fun really. This is in an effort not only to see what you all thing, but potentially open up a conversation with not just the writers here, but other fans as well.
Brandon Price, T.J. Price and D.J. Clayton, three WKU basketball players, have all been cited for illegal drug possession at some point in the past 18 months, a point that Zach Greenwell, as much as I like his work, seemed to be beating to death yesterday. Upon seeing what I believed was too much coverage about college students being cited (not arrested, not jailed….cited), I took to twitter to post an opinion.
Am I the only one who doesn't care about the #WKU basketball players getting stopped and cited?
— Bluegrass Dominion (@BlueGrassDom) November 24, 2014
Three people responded, and before I go into it, I will say kudos to them for making their point more of a correction as to why they disagree, as opposed to calling me names or saying I’m dumb (even though I am incredibly). Here are the responses I got:
@WaveTheRedTowel It looks bad for the program. But it's not the worst thing that could happen.
— cody (@mr_sparks87) November 24, 2014
@WaveTheRedTowel it happens at every other program. We just aren't able to cover it up with free tickets, promotions, etc like big schools
— Darrell McGahan (@durdledaturtle) November 24, 2014
@WaveTheRedTowel Probably. If they get cited for any illegal activity, they need to be banned from sports and campus.
— Brandon Peay (@Karaiyn) November 24, 2014
A couple of different view points here, but the main theme was how it looks for the program as a whole, which I honestly hadn’t thought of before.
Thanks to Cody, Darrell and Brandon for helping launch this, even if they didn’t know they were doing so.
The conversation doesn’t stop here for this week. Actually, it begins. Feel free to reach out to us on twitter – or anyone else who joins in the conversation – and keep it going. This can be fun, oh yes it can be fun, but only if you want it to be and let it!