Parker McLeod Transferring to WKU


Former Alabama Crimson Tide quarterback and Atlanta-area native Parker McLeod has announced his transfer from Dixie, and is joining the Brohm Squad, and plans to be on the Hill for the start of fall camp, the Bowling Green Daily News and Chad Bishop were able to confirm earlier today.

McLeod enrolled early at Alabama in 2013 after graduating from Walton High School in 2012 (in which he led them all the way to the state title game), but didn’t play under Nick Saban, and instead opted to redshirt. Coming out of Walton, McLeod was rated a three-star prospect by, and had scholarship offers from other big-name schools such as Boston College and Oklahoma State, as well as schools on a similar plain as the Tops like Central Florida, East Carolina and even a bluegrass school over in Louisville.

Entering this fall’s camp, and assuming Mr. Bishop and the BGDN are correct in confirming their news, McLeod would make six QB’s on the Tops roster, joining Brandon Doughty, Nelson Fishback, Troy Jones, Todd Porter and Drew Eckels. McLeod is not eligible for this season, but twitter talk is saying it isn’t out of the realm of possibilities that he could see some starting time come 2015. And, just to make things interesting, don’t forget that the Tops rematch with the Tide in September of 2016.

This transfer is, to say the least, very interesting. It’ll be fun to see if McLeod brings any Saban-wisdom to the Tops locker room, and if he is able to compete and/or win a starting job, if we will see a significant increase in play. Or, we could very well be reading too much into a big name school transfer. Only time will tell.